Wednesday 24 February 2016

In the future i would like to do media hair and makeup.
 In five years i see myself working in a television 
set or/and doing wedding and prom makeup etc.

I got inspired to do this kind of makeup by madeulookbylex. I watch her videos on youtube - 

I also read madeulookbylex's blog and i am interested in what things she writes about. -

I like her blog because she writes a lot about what she does and when she has published a new video and she posts on twitter,Facebook, Instagram etc so people would go and watch her videos if they haven't already.

Her blog is alot better than mine because she has more pictures and more colour and more information and tabs to go to different pages,

In my first session of Work Experience i started to create my blog. I am happy that i have chosen the
simple background because i like simple things and things that don't seem to complicated.    

The importance of making a blog is that in my future it will help my career and this is also a skill and other people in the workplace might not be able to do a blog.

When i go for a job interview i can show them my progress even if the job is for beauty or not.